Friday, September 14, 2012

Miss America 2013 Lottery.

I'm going to have to do much better with keeping you all up to date on all my Miss America Adventures...But I think I'm getting much better.

Just recently, all 53 contestants took part in the Miss America Lottery! If you aren't sure what that is, it's simply a random selection of each contestant. When you are selected, you get to choose what group and numerical slot you would like for preliminary judging. I knew what spot I wanted days ahead; "MU Group" 5 or 6. I prayed ,along with my friend and organization sister Jasmine, that God would grant me an early selection, so that I may pick the slot I wanted!
Miss West Virginia was the very first chosen! How amazing she must have felt. Texas came, later South Carolina, then Puerto Rico. I still hadn't seen my name...I called my director "Miss Jerry," I said, "We might just be here all night! I'm going to be the last selected!" She laughed at my dramatics. Then, as if it were magic, my named appeared in the "Next Up" column! I was ecstatic! I was next to go and BOTH "MU Group" 5 and 6 were open. I chose 5! I should have known not to worry one bit. You see, I have faith in a God that is very real, a father that will never forget the very smallest detail on my journey to Miss America. So, he knew I needed this spot and he gave it to me... And to him I am forever grateful. It may seem small, but never count out the little blessings.
With Love,
Miss Virgin Islands

I'll be in the MU group for preliminary judging! Check out my performance line up below:

Tuesday-On Stage Question
Wednesday-Swimsuit & Evening Wear

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