Friday, November 9, 2012

I Voted Y'all!

This years election was EXTREMELY important for numerous reasons. This would be my first time voting in any election. In 2008 I was just 17, so back then my opinion or my voice didn't matter, it didn't count. I made sure I was registered the second time around, I would not be missing out on elections any longer. I have also been a strong advocate for being heard, and encouraging my peers to vote. I don't think my twitter has ever been so consumed with political views and facts. My goal: Encourage my peers to be heard. After all, our voice matters the most, because this country will be ours in just a few years. Regardless, of who you vote for, it's important that you vote. We have so much to overcome in the next four years. But, I believe that if we stand behind our president, we can accomplish great progression and success as a nation. We are all different people and we come from different places, our walks of life have not all been the same, so normally our views on you should or should have been president will most certainly "clash." But, one thing we all can agree on, as Americans, is that we have the right to choose our leaders. We must exercise this right. So, I voted y'all because, as a woman, a student and a future leader, my opinion matters, as does yours. So much had to transpire for me to be afforded this right, and I don't plan on relinquishing it any time soon. 

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